An animated story reminding us that observing and appreciating life as it is, is an act of love.
An animated story reminding us that observing and appreciating life as it is, is an act of love.
An interactive and meditative exhibit by Deb Koffman.
The Little Gallery
Deb Koffman Artspace
Opening Reception
Friday Aug 2, 2019
Gallery open by chance or appt
How can we make space for all we feel, all we need?
Deb’s Pop-up Paper Doodles
at Spencertown Academy through August 12, 2018
Small scale, intimate, colored pencil and micron pen doodles,
by Deb Koffman, cut with xacto blade so different parts pop-up.
Sweet, intricate, interesting, contemplative.
Contact Deb at 413-274-1212 or email deb for more info.
Each one is unique. Just like the others.
Sometimes sitting in meditation even for one minute can seem daunting. Mindfulness is just being aware of each moment, carefully attending to even the most subtle sensations of movement. Test your skill! Can you simply watch this meditator for a single minute?
A blank page discovers it is more than it thought it was. It isn’t ‘nothing’, it is a great many things. And has much to offer…
The Magic Lamp, a book about the power of our imagination and the value of all our feelings,
written and illustrated by Deb Koffman. Published by Bellastoria Press. This is a video of the book launch at
Deb Koffman’s Artspace in Housatonic Massachusetts. With a delightful line up of characters from the book!!!
These cardboard costumes (and accompanying song) became a little performance piece. These are my friends from my ‘authentic movement’ women’s group. You can watch the youtube video. You can also see more pictures in my Don’t Stare It’s Not Nice book.
I make art (stories, poems, cartoons, installations, card decks) to understand, reflect and honor my emotions and thinking patterns. I write stories about choice, poems that give me advice, cartoons that remind me what really matters to my heart and soul.
I’m deeply drawn to Buddhist teachings and to the practice of meditation and mindful awareness. I practice paying attention to my reactions, my thinking, my speech, my physical sensations. My books, cartoons and card decks all offer me guidance, wise advice, reminders when I’m stuck or struggling, lost or confused.
My hope is that my work encourages your well-being, helping you navigate your emotional and mental life more easily.
When I moved to the Berkshires in 1988 I didn’t know a thing about spirituality or feelings or healing or art. I was deeply deeply unhappy and confused about life. I didn’t know what mattered, I didn’t know how I mattered.
By chance, and grace I discovered Kripalu, Gurudev, yoga, and an amazing community of body-centered healers. My whole world changed. What I wore, what I ate, what I thought about, my friends, the pace I moved at, what I cared about. I read TONS of books on psychology, physics, mind-body awareness and healing. I found and studied NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and Ericksonian Hypnosis with Zen teacher and NLP trainer, Richard Clarke. NLP became a foundation for my thinking and being, and continues to inform my life and art.
I studied and trained in Vivation(breathwork), NVC(non-violent communication), authentic movement(a mindfulness based movement practice), continuum, and mindfulness meditation.
All of these practices inspired ART. I needed to make visual reminders of what I learned ‘on the cushion’ and in the therapist’s office.
Most of my work (on myself and on paper) is about understanding words; concepts, feelings and ideas that don’t make sense to me. Words have the power to ground me and comfort me or twist me into a whirling ball of distress, confusion and fear.
Compassion, love, creativity, depression, peace, presence, humility, relax, choice, emptiness.
What do these words really mean? Deeply? In my body? Does ‘crazy’ mean wrong? or different? or brave? or swimming in unknown territory?
I explore words/concepts through writing, drawing, painting and performance art. I work on the computer in photoshop, powerpoint and final cut. I use whatever form ‘it takes’ to figure out what the word really means.
Making art has saved my life and kept me sane, by helping me literally to SEE what goes on in my mind. Once seen, I am free to make new (or the same old) choices.
I love tulips, so do the deer. I can pretend though…
There are so many ways to define what we see. The definition we use inspires a different response.
Seeing this as nothing I might dismiss it. Seeing this as open or available, I might use it to create something new. I think freedom has a lot to do with choice. Free to see and to choose what to see, in anything.
This is a cartoon about choice. How we use anything is really up to us.
Mindfulness is sitting with things. As they are. Without doing anything about them. Just noticing. Just feeling.
There are so many ways to look at life. Why do we choose just one way? Experiment, look at your life, your relationships, your job, your ideas in another way. Look up, down, all around, look mad, sad, curiously . Or don’t look. Listen.
How can I simply BE with whatever is happening? With restlessness, loneliness, pain, bliss…as if each one is a unique pattern of energy, vital, interesting, not good or bad. Watch it, breathe, give it space, let it move on its own.
I love these handwritten feelings. Because of the graphic quality of the handwriting and because I care about each feeling. I am trying to remember that they change, and that each one deserves my love and attention, equally.
If I hold onto love, all the others can come and go and I’ll be fine, I think.
There are so many ways to respond to life…to thoughts, behaviors, feelings, words.
Why do we choose just one way? And which way should we choose??? The right way? The best way? A different way? The easy way? A difficult way? My mother’s way? My way? Your way? No way?
This cardboard installation can be arranged and rearranged in any number of ways!
I always have a choice. email deb to order a spinning wheel. $475 plus shipping. Made of plywood and acrylic paint, really spins! Approx 2’x2’ish.
I need to hear, and see words that encourage my well-being, lift my spirits and open my heart. These do that for me. I made them big so they would fill the space around me and I could hear them LOUD AND CLEAR.
There are other words I hear (inside and outside myself) that aren’t so encouraging. I know they only encourage suffering because they deaden me, make me feel depressed, anxious, worthless, ‘stupid’. I don’t need to hear them any bigger or louder, but I do find it useful to feel, and see the difference between them.
The interesting thing is that I have a choice which words to pay attention to. There are people and places and voices that support my well-being. It seems essential to surround myself with those voices.
You can order this print as a reminder for your well-being.
I often see the world…people, places, situations, filled with anger, violence, resentment, fear. I noticed that as I was seeing and hearing these qualities I was influenced by them, and becoming angry, resentful, afraid.
I was feeling more and more depressed with this view and thought “wow, this isn’t working”, so my artist self kicked in…
I wondered what the world be like if it were filled with joy and love and kindness and patience.
I imagined that as I observed these qualities, I would be nourished by them. And as I was nourished by them, I would become more joyful, loving, kind and patient.
The practice of filling my life, body and mind with what feeds my soul seems a useful and good thing for me and for the world I live in.
I can fill myself with anger, worry, fear, judgments or I can choose humor, humility, respect, love. What I fill my mind, my body, my life with is my choice.
There are several prints that offer instant joy and clarity!
I think it’s so important to have a safe place to complain. Something miraculous happens when I complain consciously…I discover what I really need. Then I can ask for it. This is my brother Marty(who never complains! trying out the complaint booth). Made from a recycled refrigerator box and acrylic paint.
This cardboard installation of sitting buddhas speaks to my need to remember that I can simply sit with my feelings. Hold them, be with them, not judge them. They are all equal, no one better or worse. Just different. All worth experiencing.
My book Don’t Stare It’s Not Nice has more to say about this piece. And several prints and cards that offer a simple reminders.
Order this print.
These doors are a reminder that my feelings and needs matter. I need a space, a place, time to be with them, experience them.
Anger is as valuable as dreaming, as valuable as making mistakes, as valuable as not knowing. Being with them shows me what they have to offer me. They each serve me in some way.
I can’t always be ‘perfect’ and ‘certain’ and ‘happy’. For me, being a functional, resourceful, creative human being means accepting, respecting, making room for all parts of me.
These doors are part of larger installation of 15 doors that I photographed and photoshopped so I could put it in this context.
You can order the print as a gentle reminder.
This cardboard and acrylic piece is a reminder that every moment is precious, interesting, worth feeling, worth knowing. The sad, painful, difficult ones as well as the funny, sweet, remarkable moments.
These are performers at IWOW having their unique moments!
You can order a collected moments print as a lovely reminder to value all the moments of your life.
I have often thought about death and how I want to live my life. What really matters? What nourishes my heart and soul? This series made me laugh, and some of the headstones touched my heart. They are made of cardboard, and the ones placed in the graveyard are photoshopped in.
Order the print for a gentle reminder of what might really matter…
Sept 1, 2020 next IWOW.
This month on zoom!!!! Join Zoom Meeting
The first Tuesday of every month, IWOW(In Words Out Words), open mic at Deb Koffman’s Artspace. 137 Front Street in Housatonic MA.
Poets, storytellers, musicians, artists of any medium, come and share your artistic voice in a safe and supportive environment! Performers sign up for your maximum 5 minute slot with deb.
Visit the IWOW blog for pictures from past performances.
This is link for May recording of IWOW
This is link for June recording
This is link for July recording of IWOW
Join Zoom Meeting
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Saturdays 10:30-12:45
Deb Koffman’s Artspace
137 Front St., Housatonic
No Experience in drawing necessary, just a willingness to look deeply and watch your mind. The class is conducted in silence. In a wonderfully non-judgmental, supportive and colorful environment! We open with a short meditation. Followed by a warm up and simple structure that you can follow, adapt or ignore in your own way. We share our process at end of class(you do not have to share). Class is free on zoom. Link below.
$10 if meeting at studio
Please call Deb to register.
413-274-1212 or email deb
This is primarily an adult class, but kids are welcome to participate with parents present.
The studio…
deb koffman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: mindful drawing
Time: Aug 8, 2020 10:15 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Sat, until Dec 26, 2020, 21 occurrence(s)
Aug 8, 2020 10:15 AM
Aug 15, 2020 10:15 AM
Aug 22, 2020 10:15 AM
Aug 29, 2020 10:15 AM
Sep 5, 2020 10:15 AM
Sep 12, 2020 10:15 AM
Sep 19, 2020 10:15 AM
Sep 26, 2020 10:15 AM
Oct 3, 2020 10:15 AM
Oct 10, 2020 10:15 AM
Oct 17, 2020 10:15 AM
Oct 24, 2020 10:15 AM
Oct 31, 2020 10:15 AM
Nov 7, 2020 10:15 AM
Nov 14, 2020 10:15 AM
Nov 21, 2020 10:15 AM
Nov 28, 2020 10:15 AM
Dec 5, 2020 10:15 AM
Dec 12, 2020 10:15 AM
Dec 19, 2020 10:15 AM
Dec 26, 2020 10:15 AM
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 867 0512 5952
Passcode: 5727235
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kB3S1epFz
Come visit the Deb Koffman Artspace, studio and gallery at 137 Front St in Housatonic. Open by chance or appointment. Call Deb at 413-274-1201 or email deb. I sell my cards, books, prints and framed pieces. Or you can get them online, right here on this site!
I teach drawing as mindfulness practice every Saturday at 10:30 and everyone is invited to IWOW (In Words Out Words), an open mic event every first Tuesday at 7pm.