I often see the world…people, places, situations, filled with anger, violence, resentment, fear. I noticed that as I was seeing and hearing these qualities I was influenced by them, and becoming angry, resentful, afraid.
I was feeling more and more depressed with this view and thought “wow, this isn’t working”, so my artist self kicked in…
I wondered what the world be like if it were filled with joy and love and kindness and patience.
I imagined that as I observed these qualities, I would be nourished by them. And as I was nourished by them, I would become more joyful, loving, kind and patient.
The practice of filling my life, body and mind with what feeds my soul seems a useful and good thing for me and for the world I live in.
I can fill myself with anger, worry, fear, judgments or I can choose humor, humility, respect, love. What I fill my mind, my body, my life with is my choice.
There are several prints that offer instant joy and clarity!