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There are so many ways to define what we see.  The definition we use  inspires a different response.
Seeing this as nothing I might dismiss it.  Seeing this as open or available, I might use it to create something new.  I think freedom has a lot to do with choice.  Free to see and to choose what to see, in anything.


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Holding The Line

This is a cartoon about choice.  How we use anything is really up to us.




How are you relating to the line?
How are you moved by the line?
How are you holding the line?
kit-head down-250
How are you being with the line?
How are you using the line?
How are you feeling about the line?
How are you experiencing the line?


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How can I simply BE with whatever is happening?  With restlessness, loneliness, pain, bliss…as if each one is a unique pattern of energy, vital, interesting, not good or bad.  Watch it, breathe, give it space, let it move on its own.

I love these handwritten feelings.  Because of the graphic quality of the handwriting and because I care about each feeling.  I am trying to remember that they change, and that each one deserves my love and attention, equally.

If I hold onto love, all the others can come and go and I’ll be fine, I think.